IPPS Europe 6 Pack Award 2023 - Apply Now!
The IPPS Europe 6-pack award gives 6 ‘new to the industry’ horticulturists the chance to attend the IPPS European Region Annual conference, free of charge, taking place this year in Scandinavia, Køge, Denmark.
This year’s conference titled “It’s All About the Roots!” takes place from Wednesday 11 – Friday 13 October 2023 at the Hotel Comwell Køge Strand.
The award is open to anyone who is ‘relatively new’ to working in commercial ornamental horticulture or is currently studying to enter the industry. Up to six places are available, and IPPS Europe will cover all hotel and conference fees, plus contribute to travel costs. During the conference, one 6-packer will be chosen, following a short informal interview, to take part in the IPPS International Exchange scheme, giving them the opportunity to attend the annual conference in the Southern region of North America in 2024.
“Attending the IPPS Conference is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mix with leading growers from across Europe,” commented Karl O’Neill, former IPPS Europe President. “The opportunities opened up by this award have inspired many young horticulturalists within the industry”.

2022 IPPS Europe 6 pack award winners
Speakers throughout the three-day conference will cover a range of topics from ‘Peat & green transition' to ‘Foliar fertilization + organic fertilizers'. An excellent itinerary of visits includes trips to Stångby plantskola, Splendor Plant, Gunnar Christensens Planteskole, Nordic Harvest and many more, where delegates will be able to see excellent horticultural practices and new technology in action.
“The other delegates were all very friendly and welcoming, and I would recommend it to anyone who is offered the chance to attend”, commented Thomas Everard, former 6 packer. “I would like to thank everyone at the IPPS as I couldn’t have had a better experience”.
For further information or an application form, please contact bent@gcplant.dk Application forms can also be downloaded from www.ippseurope.org The closing date for applications is Friday 26 May 2023.
IPPS 6 Packer Award Application Form 2023
Entry Requirements:
- Anyone new to working in horticulture or studying to enter the horticultural industry.
- Based in Europe.
- The candidate can apply directly to the IPPS; however, nominations and / or approval should also come from either the candidate’s employer or tutor, whichever is more applicable.
- Willing to assist the conference organisers throughout the duration of the conference and may be asked to carry out certain duties which may include photography, report writing, blogging, writing press releases, helping at registration, managing audio visual equipment, managing groups on the nursery visits.
The Prize:
- Six selected candidates will be invited to attend the European Annual Conference being held in
Køge Strand, Denmark from 11 – 13 October 2023 - Full board and lodgings, conference costs and a contribution to travel costs.
- The selected candidates will gain the opportunity to apply for the 2024 International Exchange award. Hereby, one 6 packer candidate will be chosen to travel to, & attend, the annual conference in the Southern region of North America. The application will take the form of undergoing a short informal interview with members of the IPPS committee at the 2023 annual conference. The candidate that mostly impresses the team will receive the major travel award.
How to apply:
- The candidates should complete the form below and return it, together with a written summary/resume (email acceptable) of their involvement in the industry so far, and what they want to achieve within the industry in the future.
- The deadline for applications is Friday 26 May 2023.
- Applications will be inspected by a team of industry professionals. There are 6 places available and only offered if the IPPS requirements and standards are met. The selected candidates will be notified by Friday 30 June 2023, by e-mail, of the outcome of their application.
Where to send applications:
Completed forms and accompanying resumes should be sent to:
Bent Jensen, Conference organizer bent@gcplant.dk